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conferences-1 Society for Risk Analysis

Armstrong, T., Williams, P.R.D., and Drolet, D. 2019. Task-based worker and consumer exposure modeling using probabilistic approach. Platform Presentation,  Arlington, VA.  December 8-12.

Williams, P.R.D., Rossner, A., Clougherty, J., Rice, G., Niemeier, R.D. 2019. Adopting a cumulative risk assessment perspective to support decision-making in the work environment. Platform Presentation,  Arlington, VA.  December 8-12.

Williams, P.R.D. 2018. Persistent VOC contamination of public drinking water supplies in California. Platform Presentation,  New Orleans, LA.  December 3-5.

Williams, P.R.D., Armstrong, T., and Drolet, D. 2018. Two-zone modeling to predict airborne exposures using IH Mod 2.0 with Monte Carlo simulation. Platform Presentation,  New Orleans, LA.  December 3-5.

Rossner, A., Williams, P.R.D., Mellas-Hulett, E., and Rahman, M.A. 2018. Evaluating talc exposures among miners and millers in Vermont. Platform Presentation,  New Orleans, LA.  December 3-5.

Williams, P.R.D., Meiro-Lorenzo, M., Puech Fernandez, M.R. Kadeli, L.G. 2017. Current and emerging human health impacts associated with land-based pollution in low and middle-income countries (LMICs): data gaps & research needs. Poster Presentation, Arlington, VA. December 11-13.

Williams, P.R.D., Fries, M., Ovesen, J., and M., Maier, A. 2017. VOC exposures from use of aerosol brake cleaner. Poster Presentation, Arlington, VA. December 11-13.

Williams, P.R.D., and Maier, A.  2016.  Cumulative risk assessment for occupational health: challenges and solutions. Poster Presentation, San Diego, CA.  December 12-14.

Williams, P.R.D.  2016.  Assessing benzene exposures and risk among vehicle mechanics in the U.S. and abroad. Platform Presentation, San Diego, CA.  December 12-14.

Williams, P.R.D.  2015.  Comparison of VOC drinking water contaminant levels in New Jersey to regulatory and human-health benchmarks. Poster Presentation, Arlington, VA.  December 6-10.

Williams, P.R.D.  2015.  An analysis of violations of the OSHA regulatory standard on benzene. Poster Presentation, Arlington, VA.  December 6-10.

Williams, P.R.D., Dotson, G.S., and A. Maier.  2012.  Cumulative risk assessment: transforming traditional risk methods.  Platform Presentation, San Francisco, CA.  December 9-12.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. Unice.  2012.  Indoor air exchange rates in developing countries: a pilot study in rural Peru.  Platform Presentation, San Francisco, CA.  December 9-12.

Williams, P.R.D., Dotson, G.S., and A. Maier.  2012.  Advances in risk assessment: evolving methods and future directions.  Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA.  December 9-12.

Williams, P.R.D.  2012.  Update on MTBE in public drinking water wells in California (1995 to 2011).  Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA.  December 9-12.

von Stackelberg, K., and P.R.D. Williams.  2011.  Quantitative model evaluation: lessons learned from symposia on getting the numbers right.  Poster Presentation, Charleston, SC. December 4-7.

von Stackelberg, K.  2011. Weight of Evidence Evaluation for Adverse Health Effects of Several Pesticides at Environmentally-Relevant Concentrations. Platform Presentation, Charleston, SC. December 4-7.

Williams, P.R.D., Sahmel, J., Knutsen, J., Spencer, J., and A.L. Bunge.  2010.  Estimating occupational dermal exposures to benzene.  Platform Presentation, Salt Lake City, UT.  December 5-8.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. von Stackelberg, K.  2010.  Evaluating the environmental burden of disease in Canada.  Poster Presentation, Salt Lake City, UT.  December 5-8.

Williams, P.R.D., Inman, D., Aden, A., and G.A. Heath.  2009.  Next-generation biofuels: environmental and sustainability factors and research needs.  Platform Presentation, Baltimore, MD.  December 6-9.

Williams, P.R.D., Hubbell, B.J., Weber, E., Fehrenbacher, C., Hrdy, D., and V. Zartarian.  2008.  Variability in model evaluation – a review of EPA exposure models.  Platform Presentation, Boston, MA.  December 7-10.

von Stackelberg, K., J.J. Buonocore, T.J. Smith and J.I. Levy.  2008.  Characterization of the economic and public health impacts of traffic congestion. Platform Presentation, Boston, MA.  December 7-10.

von Stackelberg, K., K. Gustavson and I. Linkov.  2008.  How well are we predicting fish tissue concentrations?  Platform Presentation, Boston, MA.  December 7-10.

Bridges, T.S., von Stackelberg, K., Y. Nishioka and J. Levy.  2008.  Development of a Screening Level Tool to Evaluate Health Impacts of Electricity Technology Options. Poster Presentation, Boston, MA.  December 7-10.

Bridges, T.S., K. von Stackelberg, D. Vorhees, C. Butler, J. Cura, M. Greges and M. Reiss.  2006.  Managing uncertainty to make risk-informed decisions about contaminated sediments. Platform Presentation, Baltimore, Maryland. December 4-6.

von Stackelberg, K. and J. Hammitt.  2006.  Results of a contingent valuation survey to value the benefits of ecological and noncancer risk reductions: a case study of exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls. Platform Presentation, Baltimore, Maryland. December 4-6.

Williams, P.R.D., Knutsen, J., Atkinson, C., Madl, A., and D. J. Paustenbach.  2006.  Airborne concentrations of benzene associated with the historical use of Liquid Wrench®.  Platform Presentation, Baltimore, Maryland. December 4-6.

Williams, P.R.D., Knutsen, J., Atkinson, C., Madl, A., and D. J. Paustenbach.  2006.  Retrospective exposure assessment of asbestos related to skilled craftsmen at a petroleum refinery in Beaumont, Texas (1940-2006).  Platform Presentation, Baltimore, Maryland. December 4-6.

von Stackelberg, K., M. Nelson, J. Famely. B. Southworth and T. Bridges.  2006.  Evaluation of uncertainty and decision-making in selected US Army risk assessments. Poster Presentation, Baltimore, Maryland.  December 4-6.

von Stackelberg, K. and J. Hammitt.  2005.  Using Stated Preference Methods to Quantify Benefits of Risk Reductions: A Case Study of Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Platform Presentation December 4–7, 2005.  Orlando, Florida.

Williams, P.R.D., Unice, K., and P. Scott.  2005.  Estimating benzene exposures from contaminated soils at MGP sites.  Platform Presentation December 4–7, 2005.  Orlando, Florida.

Williams, P.R.D., Patterson, J., and D.W. Briggs.  2005.  Evaluating children’s risks and data needs under VCCEP.  Platform Presentation December 4–7, 2005.  Orlando, Florida.

von Stackelberg, K. 2004.  Risk Management for Threatened and Endangered Species and US Army Installations.  Platform Presentation, December 6-8, 2004.  Palm Springs, CA.

Paustenbach, D.J., R.O. Richter, B.L. Finley, P.R.D. Williams, and P.J. Sheehan.  2004.  Evaluating asbestos exposures associated with vehicle brake cleaning and machining activities using short-term and TWA measurements.  Platform Presentation, December 6-8, 2004.  Palm Springs, CA.

von Stackelberg, K. and J. Hammitt.  2004.  Contingent Valuation as a Tool to Link Risk Assessment and Economics.  Platform Presentation, December 6-8, 2004.  Palm Springs, CA.

Williams, P.R.D., L. Benton, and P. Sheehan.  2003.  The risk of MTBE relative to other VOCs in public drinking water in California.  Platform Presentation, December 8–10, 2003.  Baltimore, Maryland.

Williams, P.R.D., C. Cushing, and P. Sheehan.  2003.  Evaluating the risks and benefits of MTBE and ethanol as alternative fuel oxygenates.  Platform Presentation, December 8–10, 2003.  Baltimore, Maryland.

Paustenbach, D.J., P.R.D. Williams, G. Brorby, and P. Sheehan.  2003.  Residential exposures to elemental mercury due to releases from the removal of gas pressure regulators.  Platform Presentation, December 8–10, 2003.  Baltimore, Maryland.

Paustenbach, D.J., and P.R.D. Williams.  2003.  Evaluating occupational exposures to benzene at an industrial chemical plant.  Platform Presentation, December 8–10, 2003.  Baltimore, Maryland.

Williams, P.R.D., J. Warmerdam, and D.J. Paustenbach.  2002.  Benzene exposure reconstruction for the Pliofilm cohort (1936-1976) using Monte Carlo techniques.  Platform Presentation, December 9–11, 2002.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

Paustenbach, D.J., and P.R.D. Williams. 2002.  Overview of children’s exposure to environmental toxicants.  Platform Presentation, December 9–11, 2002.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

Tsuji, J. and P.R.D. Williams. 2002.  The use of biomonitoring versus risk assessment methods for evaluating human exposures.  Platform Presentation, December 9–11, 2002.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

von Stackelberg, K. and A.Q. Eschenroeder.  1998.  Development of a relative risk model for regulatory evaluation of air quality guidelines.  Platform presentation,  December 1998.  Recipient of Student Award.d K. von Stackelberg.  Using models to support decision-making: Is your model good enough? Platform Presentation, Boston, MA.  December 7-10.


conferences-2 International Society of Exposure Analysis

Williams, P.R.D.  2015.  An analysis of OSHA benzene standard and hazard communication standard violations. Poster Presentation, Henderson, NV.  October 19-22.

Williams, P.R.D.  2015.  Drinking water contaminant levels in New Jersey compared to regulatory and human-health benchmarks. Poster Presentation, Henderson, NV.  October 19-22.

von Stackelberg, K.  2011. Weight of Evidence Evaluation for Adverse Health Effects of Several Pesticides at Environmentally-Relevant Concentrations.  Platform Presentation, Baltimore, October 23-27.

von Stackelberg, K.  2011.  Spatially-Explicit Bioaccumulation Modeling: FishRand-Migration

von Stackelberg, K. and P.R.D. Williams.  2011. Evaluating Exposure Models: Getting the Predictions Right.  Poster Presentation, Baltimore, MD.  October 24-27.

von Stackelberg, K.. Zemba, S., Lester, R. and B. Yatsalo. 2011.  Use of a Spatial Decision Support System to Integrate GIS, Environmental Models, Decision Analysis Tools, and Stakeholder Preferences

Williams, P.R.D., and K. von Stackelberg.  2011.  The environmental burden of disease (EBD) in Canada: air pollution and other risk drivers.  Poster Presentation, Baltimore, MD.  October 24-27.

Williams, P.R.D., and R. Reiss.  2009.  Modeling the variability in consumer product use patterns.  Platform Presentation, Minneapolis, MN.  November 1-5.

Williams, P.R.D., Inman, D., Aden, A., and G.A. Heath.  2009.  Environmental and sustainability factors and research needs associated with next-generation biofuels.  Platform Presentation, Minneapolis, MN.  November 1-5.

Williams, P.R.D., Hubbell, B.J., Weber, E., Fehrenbacher, C., Hrdy, D., and V. Zartarian.  2008.   A review and synthesis of EPA exposure models.  Platform Presentation, October 12-16, 2008.  Pasadena, California.

Chapman, P.S., Williams, P.R.D., Kuykendall, J.R., McKinley, M.A., and D.J. Paustenbach.  2007.  Meta-analysis of asbestos-related disease among skilled craftsmen in various occupational settings.  Platform Presentation, October 14-18, 2007.  Durham/RTP, Nort Carolina.

Williams, P.R.D., Knutsen, J., Atkinson, C., Madl, A., and D. J. Paustenbach.  2006.  Reconstruction of benzene exposures during the simulated use of a penetrating and de-rusting agent.  Platform Presentation, September 3-6. Paris, France.

Williams, P.R.D., Paustenbach, D.J., Balzer, J.L., and C.A. Mangold.  2006.  Retrospective exposure assessment of asbestos related to skilled craftsmen at a petroleum refinery in Beaumont, Texas (1940-2006).  Platform Presentation, September 3-6. Paris, France.

Williams, P.R.D., Robinson, K.D., and D.J. Paustenbach.  2005.  Benzene exposures associated with tasks performed on marine vessels.  Platform Presentation, October 31–November 3, 2005.  Tucson, Arizona.

Williams, P.R.D., Unice, K., and P. Scott.  2005.  An approach for estimating benzene air concentrations at former MGP sites.  Platform Presentation, October 31–November 3, 2005.  Tucson, Arizona.

Williams, P.R.D., and D.J. Paustenbach.  2005.  A historical review of asbestos exposures among skilled craftsmen.  Platform Presentation, October 31–November 3, 2005.  Tucson, Arizona.

Williams, P.R.D., Patterson, J., and D.W. Briggs.  2005.  VCCEP: progress on evaluating children’s risks and data needs.  Platform Presentation, October 31–November 3, 2005.  Tucson, Arizona.

Richter, R.O., B. L. Finley, D.J. Paustenbach, P.R.D. Williams, and P.J. Sheehan.  2004.  Short-term asbestos exposures associated with vehicle brake cleaning and machining activities from 1970 to 1990.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, October 18–20, 2004.  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Paustenbach, D. and P.R.D. Williams.  2003.  The evolution of dose reconstruction analyses over time.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, September 22–25, 2003.  Stresa, Italy.

Williams, P.R.D., and D. Paustenbach.  2003.  Characterizing benzene air concentrations at an industrial chemical plant.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, September 22–25, 2003.  Stresa, Italy.

Williams, P.R.D., G. Brorby, P. Sheehan, and D. Paustenbach.  2003.  Elemental mercury releases associated with the removal of gas pressure regulators in homes.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, September 22–25, 2003.  Stresa, Italy.

Williams, P.R.D., L. Benton, and P. Sheehan.  2002.  Time-series evaluation of MTBE in California groundwater versus surface water.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, August 12–15, 2002.  Vancouver, British Columbia.

Williams, P.R.D., J. Warmerdam, and D. Paustenbach.  2002.  Estimating historical benzene exposures (1936–1976) among rubber hydrochloride (Pliofilm) workers using probabilistic modeling techniques.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, August 12–15, 2002.  Vancouver, British Columbia.

Williams, P.R.D. 2002.  Risk communication using a comparative framework.  Presentation at the International Society of Exposure Analysis Annual Conference, August 12–15, 2002.  Vancouver, British Columbia.

conferences-3 Society of Toxicology

Williams, P.R.D., Hubbell, B.J., Weber, E., Fehrenbacher, C., Hrdy, D., and V. Zartarian.  2010.  Models used to support exposure and risk analyses by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  Poster Presentation, Salt Lake City, Utah.  March 7-11.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. von Stackelberg.  2010.  Residential use of wood-burning appiances in Canada: exposures, health risks, and intervention strategies.  Poster Presentation, Salt Lake City, Utah.  March 7-11.

Williams, P.R.D., Panko, J., Unice, K., Brown, J., and D. Paustenbach.  2007.  Occupational exposures associated with petroleum-derived solvents containing trace levels of benzene.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 25-29, 2007.  Charlotte, North Carolina.

Williams, P.R.D., and J.S. Pierce.  2007.  MTBE detections in groundwater or drinking water supplies in the United States.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 25-29, 2007.  Charlotte, North Carolina.

Chapman, P.S, Williams, P.R.D, Kuykendall, J.R., and D.J. Paustenbach.  2007.  Meta-analysis of asbestos-related disease among skilled craftsmen in various occupational settings.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 25-29, 2007.  Charlotte, North Carolina.

Williams, P.R.D., Knutsen, J., Atkinson, C., Madl, A., and D. J. Paustenbach.  2006.  Reconstruction of benzene exposures during the simulated use of a penetrating and de-rusting agent.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 5–9, 2006.  San Diego, California.

Williams, P.R.D., Paustenbach, D.J., and L. Balzer.  2006.  Reconstruction of exposure of skilled craftsmen to asbestos at the Beaumont, Texas refinery (1946-2004).  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 5–9, 2006.  San Diego, California.

Williams, P.R.D. 2005.  Evaluation of childhood exposures to industrial chemicals through VCCEP.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 6–10, 2005.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

Williams, P.R.D., J. Warmerdam, and D. Paustenbach.  2002.  Dose reconstruction of benzene exposure for Pliofilm Cohort (1936–1976) using Monte Carlo techniques.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 18–21, 2002.  Nashville, TN.

Williams, P.R.D., and D. Proctor.  2002.  Costs and benefits of compliance with alternative remediation standards at hexavalent chromium–contaminated sites.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 18–21, 2002.  Nashville, TN.

Williams, P.R.D., and P. Sheehan.  2002.  Risk comparison of six volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in California drinking water.  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 18–21, 2002.  Nashville, TN.

Tsuji, J.S., P.R.D. Williams, M. Edwards, K. Avadhanam, and D. Paustenbach.  2002.  Is mercury in urine indicative of exposure to low levels of mercury vapor?  Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Conference, March 18–21, 2002.  Nashville, TN.

conferences-4 Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

von Stackelberg, K.  2012.  Decision-Analytic Approaches for Integrating Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Services.  Brussels, Belgium. February 14-15, 2012. 5th SETAC Europe Special Science Symposium, Ecosystem Services, from Policy to Practice.

von Stackelberg, K., B. Henry and S. Brown.  2008.  Development of a Net Environmental Benefits Framework for an Urbanized River.  Platform Presentation, Tampa, FL. November 2008.

Law, S., P. Booth, N. Gard and K. von Stackelberg.  2008.  Ecological Asset Inventory and Management Tool (EcoAIM): A screening approach for identifying and managing ecological assets.  Poster Presentation, Tampa FL. November 2008.

Gustavson, K., I. Linkov, K. von Stackelberg, T. Bridges and J. Steevens.  2008.  A Review of the Application of Foodweb Bioaccumulation Models at Superfund Megasites.  Platform Presentation, Tampa, FL. November 2008.

Invited to participate in a debate with Dr. Wayne Landis, Western Washington University, at the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, November 2007, for the session “Making Decisions in the Face of Uncertainty,” Debate 1 – The Fiddly Details of Uncertainty – Mathematics, Statistics, Hypotheses.  Milwaukee, WI, November.

von Stackelberg, K. What Evidence is there for the Influence of Uncertainty Analysis on Decision-making? Platform Presentation, Montreal, Quebec. November 2006.

von Stackelberg, K. and J. Hammitt.  2006.  Results of a Contingent Valuation Survey to Value the Benefits of Ecological and Noncancer Risk Reductions: A Case Study of Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls.  Poster Presentation, Montreal, Quebec. November 2006.

von Stackelberg, K. and J. Hammitt.  2004.  Contingent Valuation for Ecological Effects of Exposure to PCBs.  Platform Presentation at the World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. November.

von Stackelberg, K. and J. Hammitt.  2004.  Contingent Valuation for Ecological Effects of Exposure to PCBs.  Platform Presentation at the World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. November.

von Stackelberg, K., D. Burmistrov and T. Bridges.  2004.  Development of Modeling Tools to Evaluate the Potential for Bioaccumulation.  Platform Presentation at the World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. November.

conferences-5 American Industrial Hygiene Association

Armstrong, T., Williams, P.R.D. , and Rossner, A. 2019. IH Mod 2.0 mathematical models with Monte Carlo simulation in Excel – contents and use via case studies.  Platform Presentation, Minneapolis, MN. May 20-22.

Armstrong, T., and Williams, P.R.D. 2019. What is mathematical modeling of airborne contaminants? Why should we care? What is IH Mod 2.0? Platform Presentation, Minneapolis, MN. May 20-22.

Rossner, A., and Williams, P.R.D. 2019. Historical workplace exposures to talc (as respirable particles) during mining and milling in operations in Vermont. Platform Presentation, Minneapolis, MN. May 20-22.

Williams, P.R.D., Rossner, A., and Clougherty, J. 2019. Advancing cumulative risk assessment in occupational settings. Platform Presentation, Minneapolis, MN. May 20-22.

Williams, P.R.D., Armstrong, T., and Drolet, D. 2018. Introduction to IH Mod 2.0: predicting airborne exposures using Monte Carlo simulation. AIHA-RMS Fall Technical Conference, Platform Presentation, Denver, CO.  September 11-12.

Williams, P.R.D. 2017. Advances in assessing and managing health risks: occupationally-based cumulative risk assessment (CRA). AIHA-RMS Fall Technical Conference, Platform Presentation, Denver, CO.  September 19-20.

Fries, M., Maier, A., Ovesen, J., and Williams, P.R.D.  2017.  Workplace/simulation study of benzene and total hydrocarbon (THC) exposures associated with an aerosol brake cleaner. Poster Presentation, Seattle, WA. June 3-8.

Williams, P.R.D.  2016.  Benzene exposures and risk potential for vehicle mechanics. Platform Presentation, Baltimore, MD. May 21-26.

Williams, P.R.D.  2016.  An analysis of OSHA violations: occupational exposures to benzene. Poster Presentation, Baltimore, MD. May 21-26.

Williams, P.R.D.  2016.  Cumulative risk assessment challenges and data needs. Platform Presentation, Baltimore, MD. May 21-26.

Williams, P.R.D.  2015.  Comparison of drinking water contaminant levels in New Jersey to regulatory and human-health benchmarks. Poster Presentation, Salt Lake City, UT. June 1-4.

Williams, P.R.D.  2013.  Moving beyond inhalation-based OELs: cumulative risk assessment.  Platform Presentation, Montreal, Canada.  May 18-23.

Williams, P.R.D., Dotson, G.S., and A. Maier.  2013.  Cumulative risk assessment approaches for use in community and occupational settings.  Platform Presentation, Montreal, Canada.  May 18-23.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. Unice.  2012.  Measured air exchange rates in two homes in rural Peru.  Platform Presentation,  Indianapolis, Indiana.  June 16-21.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. von Stackelberg.  2012.  Quantitative model evaluation:  lessons learned from “getting the predictions right.”  Poster Presentation,  Indianapolis, Indiana.  June 16-21.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. von Stackelberg.  2011.  Data available on the environmental and occupational burden of disease in Canada.  Poster Presentation, Portland, Oregon.  May 14-19.

Williams, P.R.D., Sahmel, J., Knutsen, J., Spencer, J. and A.L. Bunge.  2011.  Dermal absorption of benzene in occupational settings: estimating uptake and applications for risk assessment.  Platform Presentation, Portland, Oregon.  May 14-19.

Williams, P.R.D.  2010.  Estimating and modeling cumulative exposures.  Platform Presentation, Denver, Colorado.  June 24-27.

Williams, P.R.D., Hubbell, B.J., Weber, E., Fehrenbacher, C., Hrdy, D., and V. Zartarian.  2010.  Exposure assessment models used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  Platform Presentation, Denver, Colorado.  June 24-27.

Williams, P.R.D., and K. von Stackelberg.  2010.  Community exposures and health risks associated with residential wood-burning in Canada.  Poster Presentation, Denver, Colorado.  June 24-27.

Williams, P.R.D., Panko, J., Unice, K., Brown, J., and D.J. Paustenbach.  2007.  Benzene exposures from petroleum-derived solvents containing trace levels of benzene in occupational settings.  Platform Presentation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  June 2-7.

Williams, P.R.D., Knutsen, J., Atkinson, C., Madl, A., and D. J. Paustenbach.  2006.  Reconstruction of benzene exposures during the simulated use of a penetrating and de-rusting agent.  Platform Presentation, Chicago, Illinois.  May 15-18.

Williams, P.R.D., Paustenbach, D.J., and L. Balzer.  2006.  Reconstruction of exposure of skilled craftsmen to asbestos at the Beaumont, Texas refinery (1940-2005).  Platform Presentation, Chicago, Illinois.  May 15-18.

Williams, P.R.D., and D. Paustenbach.  2002.  Probabilistic exposure assessment of benzene for rubber hydrochloride (Pliofilm) workers (1936–1976).   Platform Presentation, San Diego, California.  June 3–6.

Williams, P.R.D., P. Sheehan, G. Brorby, and D. Paustenbach.  2002.  Evaluation of elemental mercury releases associated with the removal of gas pressure regulators in WAShomes.   Platform Presentation. San Diego, California.  June 3–6.



conferences-6 Battelle International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments

von Stackelberg, K., T. Bridges, J. Steevens, M. Reiss and M. Greges.  2009.  Development of a Probabilistic Risk Model to Support Dredged Material Management Decisions. Platform Presentation at the Fifth International Battelle Conference on the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, February 2009.

von Stackelberg, K. 2009.  Quantifying Ecosystem Services for Management of Contaminated Sediments. Platform Presentation at the Fifth International Battelle Conference on the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, February 2009.

Invited panelist for panel on “Sustainable Decision Making for Contaminated Sediments” at the Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments.

Invited to develop and lead panel discussion on “Model Uncertainty and Decision-Making” for the Fourth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments hosted by Battelle, Savannah, GA, January, 2007.

von Stackelberg, K.
2001.  Predicting human health and ecological risks from PCB-contaminated sediments:  Lessons learned.  Published in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments.  Venice, Italy, October 10-12, 2001.  Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.

Addressing Uncertainty and Managing Risk at Contaminated Sediment Sites
USACE/USEPA/SMWG Joint Sediment Conference
October 26 – 28, 2004

Linkov and K. von Stackelberg. Assessing and managing exposure at relevant spatial and temporal scales.

K. von Stackelberg.  Uncertainty analysis as an aid rather than a hindrance to environmental decision making.

Workshop on Environmental Stability of Chemicals in Sediments
April 8-10, 2003
San Diego, California
von Stackelberg, K. and T.S. Bridges.  2003.  Tiered Approaches in Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment.  Invited presentation at the Environmental Stability of Chemicals in Sediments Conference, April 7-10, 2003, San Diego, CA.

Issues in Assessing and Managing Ecological Risk at Contaminated Sediment Sites Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
June 4 – 5, 2002
Bridges. T. and K. von Stackelberg. A Consideration of Uncertainty in Sediment Risk Assessments.

von Stackelberg, K. 2002.  Update on Development of TrophicTrace Tiered Risk Model and Software Demonstration.  Corps of Engineers/EPA Sediment Specialists/Dredged Material Managers Meeting.  February 25-28, 2002.  San Francisco, CA.

von Stackelberg, K. 2001.  Presentation on Development of the TrophicTrace Tiered Risk Assessment Tool.  Corps/EPA Bioaccumulation Workshop.  February 20-22, 2001.  New Orleans, LA.

von Stackelberg, K. Invited speaker at the USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation “Sediment Risk Assessment Meeting” on the use of bioaccumulation models, Dallas, TX, 2004.

von Stackelberg, K., Vorhees, D. and Cura, J.  A Spatially-Explicit Probabilistic Approach to Evaluating and Assessing Human and Ecological Risks Associated with PCB-Contaminated Sediments.  In: Risk Assessment and Remedial Approaches Towards Restoration and Management of Contaminated Rivers Session at the 2004 Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy at the University of Massachusetts.


Invited participant and presenter for the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) workshop on Research and Development Needs for Understanding and Assessing the Bioavailability of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments, August, 2008.